Patent the patent

Funny comments on slashdot about stupid patent applications:

Patenting Patents
(Score:4, Funny)
by bldp (912036) on Friday October 21, @03:27PM (#13846889)
Somebody should patent the patent process. Quite possibly the only way to screw it up more.
Re:Patenting Patents
(Score:4, Funny)
by psst (777711) on Friday October 21, @03:33PM (#13846960)
I have seen this comment posted in every article related to patent abuse. In fact, I am thinking of patenting the idea of patenting the patent process, just so it never comes up on slashdot again.

This was actually about some stupid idiot who’s trying to get royalties from whoever uses XML based on two patents filled in the US in 1999 (No. 5,842,213 and No. 6,393,426)

Now, what about patenting a gas composed of

Nitrogen – 78%
Oxygen – 21%
Argon – 1%
Carbon Dioxide – .03%
Neon – .002%
Methane – .0002%
Helium – .0005%
Krypton – .0001%
Hydrogen – .00005%
Xenon – .000009%

Now *that* would be an idea!



