DirectAdmin to cPanel : a partial BASH solution

I’m one of those who spent hours moving from DirectAdmin to cPanel, and in the meantime I’ve developed a couple of usefull tools to help me do it.

For the sanity of everyone ever trying to achieve this, forget googling because there is no tool available ATM. No one has ever started a script simply because the transition from DA to CP are so different that it is unthinkable.

There are scripts to move from cPanel to DirectAdmin though

I’ve started a BASH script that basically takes the files already available under the directories “backup” and “domains”, puts them nicely under one directory and tar-gzips it all. (the backup and domains directories come from untaring the User Backup created under DirectAdmin)

you then have to upload the resulting tar-gzip to the newly created cPanel account and untar-zip it. The file manager in cPanel does this with a click.

This script still has LOADS of problems, and if you’re unexperienced with the linux FS, permissions, etc… don’t come this way

What this does, however, is saving a lot of time if the accounts in question have many e-mails accounts (I did this because some of my clients had 100+ emails), and also takes care of the user files (public_html and everything else)

Resuming, this is what the script does:

– copy the quota file
– copy the IMAP folders and inbox folder of the main account
– copy the squirrelmail settings
for EACH e-mail account it does this:
– generate the entry and update the shadow and passwd file with its username and password (you keep everyone’s passwords!)
– copy the IMAP folders and inbox to the respective directory

to the domain files, it does this also:
– update references in every file (php, html, etc) by removing “domains/”
(ie /home/skyhorse/domains/ becomes /home/skyhorse/public_html)

This does not handle FTP settings, subdomain settings, dns settings, or anything else.
But hey, it saved me hundreds of hours of pain…

It is easily improved, so if you do, please send it back to me

BTW, the scripts assumes you’re using the SAME username in directadmin and in cpanel for each account, and the same domains as well.

It can also take a bit of hard disk space, since it literally duplicates the accounts files. If this is an issue, script around it to use the /tmp directory or even better, do some pipelining with tar

One last thing, although you see the CHMOD command being used, when untaring all files loose the damn permissions.
you NEED to change the permissions manually (inbox NEEDS to be group writable) or find a way to resolve the issue, which I couldn’t.

Here it is anyway, remember to replace the variables with your own settings:

# bash
# Copyleft (C) SkyHorse 2004
# for each account:
# put passwd as passwd + shadow
# quota (if != 0)
# into ~/etc/%domain%

mkdir result
mkdir result/mail
mkdir result/mail/$GENDOMAIN
mkdir result/etc
mkdir result/etc/$GENDOMAIN

cp $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/$GENDOMAIN/email/quota result/etc/quota
chmod 644 result/etc/quota

touch result/etc/shadow
chmod 640 result/etc/shadow

touch result/etc/passwd
chmod 644 result/etc/passwd

chmod 660 $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/email_data/imap/*
cp $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/email_data/imap/* result/mail
cp $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/email_data/pop/$GENUSERNAME result/mail/inbox
chmod 660 result/mail/inbox

mkdir result/.sqmaildata
cp $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/email_data/squirrelmail/* result/.sqmaildata

for line in $ENTRY
login=`echo $line | sed s/[:].*//`
pass=`echo $line | sed s/.*[:]//`
mkdir result/mail/$GENDOMAIN/$login
mkdir result/mail/$login

echo $login:x:32120:622::/home/$GENUSERNAME/mail/$GENDOMAIN/$login:/usr/local/cpanel/bin/noshell >> result/etc/passwd
echo $login:$pass::::::: >> result/etc/shadow

chmod 750 result/mail/$GENDOMAIN/$login
cp $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/$GENDOMAIN/email/data/pop/$login result/mail/$GENDOMAIN/$login/inbox
chmod 660 result/mail/$GENDOMAIN/$login/inbox

cp $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/$GENDOMAIN/email/data/imap/$login/.mailboxlist result/mail/$GENDOMAIN/$login/
cp $MYFILESPATH/$GENUSERNAME/backup/$GENDOMAIN/email/data/imap/$login/mail/* result/mail/$GENDOMAIN/$login/

touch result/mail/$login/inbox
chmod 660 result/mail/$login/inbox

cp result/etc/* result/etc/$GENDOMAIN/

#domain files
cd domains/$GENDOMAIN
#update file references – this one liner deletes domains/ in every file of the tree.
# efectively changes:
#/home/username/domains/ into
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i ‘s/domains\/$GENDOMAIN\///’ {} \;

cp -R * ../../result
cd ../../result

tar –owner=$GENUSERNAME –group=$GENUSERNAME -czf ../$GENUSERNAME-$GENDOMAIN.tar.gz *
cd ..

#upload tar.gz
#I have ncftpput installed, but because most people don’t, I’ve commented it out
#ncftpput -u $GENUSERNAME -p $NEWACCPASS localhost / $GENUSERNAME-$GENDOMAIN.tar.gz







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