What If They Gave a War…?

1968. It was the height of the Vietnam War, the year of My Lai and the Tet offensive. Student riots in Paris nearly brought down the French government. Soviet tanks put a premature end to Czechoslovakia’s Prague Spring.In the United States, the streets were teeming with antiwar protesters and civil rights demonstrators. Martin Luther King Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were assassinated within two months of each other. The Democratic convention in Chicago dissolved into chaos. And by the summer, America’s cities were in flames.

The world was seething, and for good reason. There was a lot to be angry about. It was a lousy year, 1968.

This is the start of a damn good and inspiring article by Wired News copy chief Tony Long.

And don’t think you’re safe and sound because you’re not American, what he says applies to all civilized countries in the world. Read on!

What If They Gave a War…?



